
Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolution

Today is the first day back at home after we went to Sao Carlos for New Year's. It is finally setting in that I have just these 2 weeks left here, but I feel good. I feel like I have done what I needed to do here, and that it is time to go back home, and start studying again to finish what I need to finish back there. I feel like everything is finally coming together, and I am actually getting a little excited to come back!!

I thought hard this year, and came up with some things I want to really keep up and remember for 2011:

-learn from mistakes, don't let them push you back, use them to get forward

-keep in touch with old friends

-don't let activities get in the way of friends and family

-keep up what I learned in Brazil: be more organized and clean,

-go back to my health-consious self, stop drinking soda, and integrate new healthy foods and habits into my routine when I come back

-this is only the very beginning- the whole rest of the world is out there to be discovered/saved

and most of all
-Never forget what I did and learned here in Brazil

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